Message of Hon’ble Vice-chancellor, Adesh University
A journal is a showcase of ingenuity, innovation & constructive research of a University. It is mandatory for all the higher education institutes (HEI) to create a platform where these values of their faculty & students are brought into lime light.
I am very glad that Adesh University Journal of Medical Science & Research (AUJMSR) has come into existence to fulfill these challenges.
It has been my vision to raise the academic standards of the University to the highest level & Adesh University has emerged as a force to reckon with. AUJMSR, as projected, is not only an in-house publication, but an open access journal for all the researchers in the vicinity as well as nation at large. In addition to being a broad based, mainstream & specialty journal, it can be a gateway for all the aspiring researchers from all disciplines of medical sciences viz; medical, dental, nursing, physiotherapy as well as pharmaceutical. I am sure it will grow by leaps and bounds!
I congratulate the editorial committee of AUJMSR and wish them all the best!
Hon’ble Vice-chancellor
Adesh University